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1  Classic Rock / The 70s / Re: Which is the best "Stairway to Heaven" cover? on: April 25, 2011, 03:21:11 pm
WCAS version is really cool!
2  Classic Rock / The 80s / Re: Heat of the Moment on: April 19, 2011, 07:46:21 pm
Which version of Heat of the Moment do you prefer?

You know me, I usually like original versions best!

I agree on this song.
3  Classic Rock / The 80s / Re: Ever Since The World Began on: April 18, 2011, 08:44:02 pm
I never heard either of these songs.  I'll have to listen and let you know.
4  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Free Christmas downloads from Target on: December 04, 2010, 04:18:49 pm
Click this link to get free songs from Target.  I don't like everything on here but it's so varied in taste I'm sure you'll find at least a few songs you'll like.  My favorite is from Little Isadore.

5  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Re: Favorite Christmas songs and albums on: December 04, 2010, 02:55:29 pm
Here is my all time favorite Christmas track.  It's from sometime in the 1950s by Arthur Fiedler and The Boston Pops Orchestra.  It's a medley that starts out upbeat, becomes very quiet in the middle and has a full symphony blasting away at the end.  I've passed a law in my house that no one is allowed to listen to Christmas music until I "conduct" this track on Thanksgiving morning.

6  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Favorite Christmas songs and albums on: December 02, 2010, 10:59:18 pm
What are yours?  I'll be back later with mine.
7  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Cat Empire - The Car Song on: November 30, 2010, 03:34:32 pm
8  The Romper Room / Give it a name / Re: Fictitious Band Names on: November 24, 2010, 06:49:33 am
That's good...

Hey, has anyone seen the freecreditreport.com bands on their commercials?  There's 4...and one of the 4 is from Detroit...their name...


you can vote online for the best...it's between THEM and the band from Chicago, oddly enough...well, that's me.  Go check 'em out...

This is the best fake rock band name of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Re: Steve Hackett on: November 24, 2010, 06:46:02 am
I don't know why but Genesis was one of those bands that never did it for me and that includes both the Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins eras.  I don't own a single Genesis song but I do like Hackett's guitar playing.
10  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Re: On Being a session musician on: October 19, 2010, 08:29:44 pm
Great read!  I always love stuff like this that delves into the behind the scenes part of making music.
11  Classic Rock / The 80s / Re: Definitive bands of the 80s on: October 12, 2010, 09:11:25 pm
Let's not forget Dire Straits.  Knopfler's guitar work is sensational.
12  Classic Rock / The 70s / Re: The John Lennon Remasters on: October 12, 2010, 09:09:36 pm
I agree about George Martin.
13  The Romper Room / Give it a name / Re: Combine band names for funny/clever one on: August 31, 2010, 12:45:18 pm
Pearl Jam and The Rolling Stones are touring togetyher and forming a supergroup called Pearl Stones.

Then there is the Elton John Mellancamp Tour

14  Beyond the Horizon / Blues / Re: Favorite Blues or Blues/Rock Guitarist on: August 30, 2010, 02:55:42 pm
Is Stevie Ray Vaughn supposed to be on the list?
15  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Re: Forgotten Music Thursdays on: August 26, 2010, 10:00:25 am
So, Welcome to my Brain...I don't understand. 

So, we have to talk about stuff that's already been blogged about on those blogs listed, or, what those particular individuals (NICE SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION TO OUR IMFAMOUS Powers That Be...) just blogged about? Yes? No?  Those topics?  Our Own? 

...then there's that once a month deal.  Well, that might be **** on a WELL-KNOWN site...but, if there's under 25 people, it should be WEEKLY...If I came in (as a new person who's never been here...) and had a viable thought/post, they might not wanna wait until the next one...just sayin'.   Hell, I won't remember THIS in about 15 minutes. :|   

Thanks  Darrin.

Kath, Darrin posted this as an in informational post only.  If you want to look at what we posted be my guest.  If not, don't.  Please feel free to post a self-serving link to something you've created and I'll read right away.
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