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1  Classic Rock / The 70s / Re: Which is the best "Stairway to Heaven" cover? on: April 27, 2011, 01:01:51 am
I've not heard any of those you mentioned. Years ago, there was an album, produced here in Australia, called 'Stairways To Heaven'.  It was a dozen or so tracks, all versions of the classic song done in a bunch of different styles.  My personal favourite, although I denied this for years, is the Rolf Harris version, completely with his trademark wobble board.  It is a piece of brilliant nonsense but at the same time, utterly reverent of the original.

2  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Re: Gotye - Like Drawing Blood (2006) on: January 26, 2011, 07:47:41 pm
We're very pleased to read this and find you like it, mate.  It always feels good to pass on something new to someone.  Wally is about to release his next album here.  Will let you know what its like when we get it.

3  Classic Rock / The 80s / Re: Definitive bands of the 80s on: October 14, 2010, 08:21:01 pm
I finished high school in 1980 and went off to travel Australia for some months.  The music I listened to while I travelled was limited to the few cassettes (remember those?) I picked up along the way and the only truly 80s one was Adam & The Ants first album, which I still think is a beauty.

There are a bunch of Australian bands that define the 80s for me, some known and some obscure, and include: INXS, Split Enz (although from NZ), The Church, Hoodoo Gurus, Midnight Oil, Spy Vs Spy, Bear Garden, Do Re Mi, Cold Chisel, Kam Sha, Straightjacket Fits and The Chills (more NZ bands), The Venetians, Real Life, Hunters And Collectors, Paul Kelly & The Messengers, The Sunnyboys, Icehouse, The Divinyls, The Boys Next Door (lead vocalist was Nick Cave) and the Bad Seeds.

On the international front, I was into bands like The Pretenders, The Smithereens, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Talking Heads, The The, Joe Jackson, The Jam, The Clash, Wall Of Voodoo, Echo & The Bunnymen, Tears For Fears, Psychedelic Furs, The Police, New Order, The Cure, Love & Rockets, Ultravox, The Pixies, Husker Du, The Mighty Lemon Drops, Woodentops and a bunch of other bands I've long forgotten.
4  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Re: Favorite albums of the 'aughts (2000-2010) on: September 29, 2010, 07:51:12 pm
I do like Jo Jo Zep, Cold Chisel and The Cruel Sea.  And of course, the genius of Neil Finn and Crowded House is undeniable.  Aussie Crawl were great in their heyday but I'm not a fan of James Reyne's solo work.  And Gotye is a firm favourite.  We're really pleased you like him too.
5  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Re: Favorite albums of the 'aughts (2000-2010) on: September 23, 2010, 05:23:04 pm
I am a little dismayed to hear you were underwhelmed by Paul Kelly but then, musical taste is subjective so I'm not too dismayed Smiley  Dan Kelly is nothing at all like his uncle.  He takes a different perspective and has his own style and sound.  Put it this way: I listen to Dan a lot more than I listen to Paul.

The Sleepy Jackson are quite brilliant.  I'm sure you'd like them.  They (well, really its all Luke Steele) move from kind of alt-country-ish tunes to pure pop to something else again.  We gave this album away to someone we thought would like it and never heard anything back so I don't know what happened.  But we're going to replace it because for us, it is a must-have.

And I can't recommend the Gorillaz highly enough.  We're really excited as we'll be seeing them live later this year.  And let me reiterate: Damon Albarn can do no wrong!

6  Contemporary Rock / The 21st Century / Re: Favorite albums of the 'aughts (2000-2010) on: August 10, 2010, 08:52:40 pm
I find exercises like this really difficult as I'm pretty damned flighty - I like something a lot for a while then I move on to the next shiny thing that catches my attention.  So the list I have below is, if anything, dynamic.  If I was asked next week to formulate a similar list, it would almost certainly be different to this one.  I'm going to limit this to a dozen because if I don't, I'll be here all day.

1. Gorillaz - self titled (2001) - it set a standard for genre-bending hip hop, world music and good fun.  Damon Albarn can honestly do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned.

2. Black Keys - Attack & Release (2008) - I never grow tired of listening to this album - a new blues gem.

3. Dan Kelly & The Alpha Males - Drowning In The Fountain Of Youth (2006) - this Australian singer/songwriter is nephew to Australian music icon Paul Kelly.  Dan writes sharply pointed songs of modern angst, injected with a wry sense of humour and large doses of rock.

4. Them Crooked Vultures (2009) - self titled - Its Dave Grohl, Josh Homme and Jean-Paul Jones and it rocks harder than all three of other bands put together.  

5. Jack White - the reason I put the man instead of albums is simply because I couldn't choose between his various projects.  Nothing he does is ****, as far as I'm concerned, from playing guitar and singing in The White Stripes and The Raconteurs to playing drums in The Dead Weather.  All his work is on high rotation on my playlist and has been for some years.

6. M. Ward - Hold Time (2009) - I believe M. Ward will be one of those artists people will reference in 20 years time as being one of the greatest of our time.  I enjoyed this album so much, I went out and brought his back catalog and none of it disappoints.

7. Tom Waits - Real Gone (2004) - Tom Waits has more music in his little finger than most have in their whole body.  This album merely continues to prove it.  

8. The Sleepy Jackson - Lovers (2003) - Debut release of an Australian act that is actually a vehicle for musical madman Luke Steele, who has since conquered the world with his latest band, Empire Of The Sun.  Only hints at the future, but what incredile hints.

9. The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (2002) - The Lips masterpiece of psychedelically giant proportions.  They also provided one of the best live experiences I've ever had.

10. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What I'm Not (2006) - Alex Turner and co came out of nowhere with astute, incisive blasts of rock reminiscent of everything good about English music - The Who, The Jam, The Clash and The Kinks.

11. N.E.R.D. - In Search Of... (2002) - Pharrell Williams shows Will I Am, Andre 3000 and everyone else what really good soul, rnb and hip hop should sound like.  Eight years has not dulled this in the slightest.

12. Clutch - Robot Hive/Exodus (2005) - With 5 albums in the last ten years, it was a difficult decision for me to pick which of these I thought was the best.  If you know Clutch, you'll know they're never disappointing.
7  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Re: Artists I hate that everyone else seems to love on: July 10, 2010, 10:54:35 pm
Music taste is really subjective, isn't it?  I really like Bowie, Gabriel, The Police and Nirvana but don't care at all for Joni Mitchell

My list is as follows:

John Mayer (why, oh, why?)
Dave Matthews (obviously I'm not alone with this either)
Oasis (those brothers are egotistical thugs, nothing more)

The big one and I'm sure it is going to get some reaction, is Bob Dylan.  I acknowledge he is a genius songwriter but I have never liked him as a performer.  Same goes for Leonard Cohen.

8  Beyond the Horizon / Cornucopia / Re: Cat Empire on: July 10, 2010, 10:47:38 pm
Pleased to see The Cat Empire are gaining international fans.  I've not seem them live yet but have heard they are spectacular.

9  General Category / Announcements / Re: Welcome! on: July 10, 2010, 10:44:41 pm

I found this through Music Obsessive's blog.  I though I'd jump on board and see if I can add anything worthwhile.

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