« on: August 10, 2010, 05:44:53 pm » |
Okay...I don't know who any of those people are, sad to say. But, this has always puzzled me--here in motown, we've had MOST of the FM guys/girls...SINCE FM GOT HOT!! I literally GREW UP with 'em, and for the most part, a good chunk of 'em are still on every day...they're not on the same stations, and some have meandered back and forth between rock and classic rock stations...I can think of at LEAST 7 or 8 who were around when I was in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL...and that's--holy ****!! 34 years!! Is this a fluke? Hell, I lived for 5 years in Houston, and it was like the radio stations had revolving doors...Which is when I ORIGINALLY began listening to AM NEWS RADIO. (wwj am 950 here and ktrh in Houston...) Or, is Detroit a good City to work in Radio/TV? (AND--I can't BELIEVE how many former local news people are on MAJOR NETWORKS!!)
I've always been curious about this...