OH...I know who Bob Sirott is NOW...!! I knew the name sounded familiar...heh. If somethin' major is goin' on, YOUR 9pm news is better than OUR 10pm news...I watch WGN news quite a bit...and watch your noon news nearly every day (then I can watch Jeopardy...I know...heh.)
Funny thing with Sirott... I have a recording of Chicago Live at the Greek Theater 1978. It's from a radio broadcast. Between songs are snippets of interviews with members of the band at the time. The interviewer.... Bob Sirott! Also there's an interview from around 2008 or so when the Chicago Historical Society had a temporary exhibit on Chicago the band at their museum/headquarters. Jimmy Pankow, Lee Loughnane, Walt Parazaider & Peter Schivarelli were all being interviewed by.... *drumroll* Bob Sirott.
So, then--It's not as odd as I thought, then. How 'bout your local TV people? We've got a few of those...one of which is a MOVIE STAR...heh. Well...DIANA LEWIS was the reporter who interviewed SYLVESTER STALLONE in the MEAT LOCKER in "ROCKY".

She's on RIGHT NOW on WXYZ in Detroit. Love her, and now her Daughter's on here as well...every now and then she'll say, "back to you, Mom..." heh.
I don't believe any of them are or were movie stars. I know there's been some shuffling around with those as well. Diane Burns, whom was rather abysmal started on ABC, was fired and then hired by CBS where she was an anchor for 2 or 3 years... (and by anchor I don't just mean news anchor, she was also a ratings anchor... CBS's Nightly News ratings which were already low somehow managed to suffer an even greater drop with Burns on the news desk). I'm not sure where Burns ended up but she was a poor fit for Chicago.
Bill Curtis who was a CBS anchor from the late 70s up until about 1990 or so did some AT&T Wireless ads ("I'm Bill Curtis and I'm faster than Andy Roddick") but I'm not sure if those aired nationally or just in the Chicago metro area.
When I was growing up in NY state one of the news anchors on WPTZ in Plattsburgh was a guy by the name of Chris Ortloff who left the news desk to go into politics. He was elected to the state assembly in a landslide victory in 1986. He held his seat until 2000 or 2002 when he opted not to run for re-election and opted for an appointment on the state parole board. I met him once... back in 1994 and he really impressed me at the time. He had a natural charisma and I often wondered why he never ran for higher office than the state assembly. Then the answer was revealed to me... about a year ago he was arrested in a sting for solicitation of minors for sex over the Internet. He pled guilty and I believe he's still waiting to be sentenced... When I read about that my skin crawled. It also reminded me of something that had been said to me by the local "highway superintendent" (I use that term loosely as there were no highways within the village or even county limits) guy the very same night I met Mr. Ortloff-- "The higher up you go, the more you show your ass." And given his sexual proclivities, I'm guessing the reason Ortloff never sought higher office than the state assembly was because he knew if he went any higher up the political ladder his opponents would dig up his rather seedy disgusting predilections. My skin is crawling even now as I type this.