« on: August 16, 2010, 07:01:50 pm » |
Sirott DJ'd a dance/band fundraiser at my high school back in 1976 or 1977 for FREE. What a cool guy. He was extremely down to earth, very approachable and really seemed to enjoy himself.
Diane Burns - CBS threw buckets of duckets at her and she did indeed make their ratings go down. The more they paid her, the more the ratings plummeted. She was really a news reader, not a real reporter or news person. Her husband was her manager and negotiated her out of a job by making insane salary demands. It's almost like the audience got a load of how much she was making and tuned out. I never saw anything special about her and managed to play a few corporate gigs she was at and she always came off as rather arrogant. Not that that means anything: Roland Burris, our disgrace of a Senator, was always extremely warm and gracious and look how he turned out: a scratch my back, I'll scratch yours pal of Blagovich. YUCK!