OH...I know who Bob Sirott is NOW...!! I knew the name sounded familiar...heh. If somethin' major is goin' on, YOUR 9pm news is better than OUR 10pm news...I watch WGN news quite a bit...and watch your noon news nearly every day (then I can watch Jeopardy...I know...heh.)
So, then--It's not as odd as I thought, then. How 'bout your local TV people? We've got a few of those...one of which is a MOVIE STAR...heh. Well...DIANA LEWIS was the reporter who interviewed SYLVESTER STALLONE in the MEAT LOCKER in "ROCKY".

She's on RIGHT NOW on WXYZ in Detroit. Love her, and now her Daughter's on here as well...every now and then she'll say, "back to you, Mom..." heh.