To turn this thread on its head a bit which more contemporary artists do you feel best capture/play tribute to that 70s sound?
My wife & I just got back from our vacation several hours of which were spent in a car (approximately 900 miles each way). My wife popped in her Lenny Kravitz CD and listening to songs like It Ain't Over really captured that 70s vibe but with a (then) contemporary twist. Of all the "bonus" tracks between the 2 Heart of Chicago CDs and XXVI my favorite was the Lenny Kravitz produced The Only One.
Are there others?
I think that Kravitz/Chicago track is decent except for Jason sounding totally like a refugee from the Bee Gees on his vocal lead.
I saw Kravitz in 1989 opening for Tom Petty and IMHO he blew Petty off the stage.
I played in a rock cover band for a couple of years until March of this year and from having to learn a couple of Kings Of Leon tunes, they seem to really have captured (at least on their guitar solos/lines) some of that U2 1980s vibe. The vocals, no way, but the rhythm section and lead guitar work is similar. There is also some of the jangling guitar work of REM's (a band I used to adore) 1980s IRS-era work as well in KOL. I quite enjoy some of their tunes.
A lot of people see The Black Crowes as a Stones tribute band.
Oasis always sounded to me like a Beatles/Stones/T Rex tribute band, with the singing Galleghar brother trying to sound like John Lennon most of the time, so i guess that's a little bit 60s, a little bit 70s.
Aerosmith has been dismissed by many for years as a Stones wanna-be, with Steven Tyler possessing the Jagger lips and strut to prove it. I'm totally ambivalent about the band, so I have no opinion. I saw them in 1978 and the only thing I remember was they opened with "Train Kept a Rollin' " and had to start it three times because they were so wasted. They had big buckets of coke on stage and it showed: sloppy as hell, worst "professional" show I ever saw except for The Who in 1982 (Daltrey couldn't hit a note with a baseball bat and they didn't care) and Ted Nugent in 1978 (totally disgusting, had a rug in front of him he spit on all night long: seriously...the guy never stopped spitting when he wasn't singing).