You're quite welcome. : )
I just think it's pretty cool to see guys in their 60s & 70s still rocking. It gives me hope for my (truly) geriatric years.

Every time I hear a rocker or rave up, I think I will always be a rocker - it's still my favorite for listening. Then I wonder if I'll slide into balladland & want to hear only sedate (as in sedative miming) music.
Nah. Gimme a screaming guitar, pounding bassline & crashing cymbals & I'm a happy girl again.

When Spirit's song "Nature's Way" was released, we were all dumbfounded to see some old bald guy (Ed Cassidy) playing drums (I was 15). After a while, we thought it was pretty cool, but it was still a shock to see someone "old" playing rock. It's still a shock, until I remember I'm not really in my 20s anymore - even if I'm still (permanently) 23 in my head.
Good info (and a sort of 6 Degrees of) on Ed Cassidy at: Yup - that Toto.