I had that solo album Brian Wilson came out with around 1995. I forget the name of it, sold it long ago. It sounded a lot like "Pet Sounds" and had the minor hit "Your Imagination." That was my brief infatuation with the "Pet Sounds" Beach Boys era. Didn't last long. Apparently the surviving BBs are getting back together to tour next year, probably because no one wants to see Mike Love touring as "the voice of the Beach Boys." What a jerk. Anyway, Brian is supposed to be part of it.
There's something about Mike Love that just oozes sleaze. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in an alternate dimension instead of finding them as musicians you'd be driving down some SoCal street and see a "Parazaider/Love Used Cars" as Walt Parazaider exudes a similar (although a little bit less smarmy) air.
I can see where you would want to compare the two but I'd buy a used car from Walt way before I'd buy one from Mike Love. Love is a wife beater who married his first cousin Dennis Wilson's daughter just to **** him off. He's been married 5 times. Even though he's an avowed non-druggie he still went bankrupt due to his lifestyle. He sues every member of The Beach Boys every chance he gets for any reason he can think of and single-handedly turned them into the oldies act they became instead of the hip band they were in the years immediately after
Pet Sounds.
Even though he's an annoying blowhard I think Walt has been a pretty stable guy, still married to the same girl for decades, is a good father and apparently still has his fortune but I still like your humorous comparison.