's not BOOMTOWN RATS. And--sorry if I did a cover version of a clue. I DIDN'T DO 'EM, DID I?? Sorry if I did...My brain knows not what it does at times.

I thought that our Resident OZ Band man would get this!
OKAY--does the band
Exploding White Mice ring a bell?
Nope, Never heard of em! Which is why my mind went to the previous Boomtown thought. What's hard for me and easier for you guys is that you guys know WAY more artists than I, especially you Kath. You seem to have a deep and diverse band knowledge. Probably why you were able to give song titles a go as well. I will try that, if I can. It might be many much more funner than just bands. Whaddya think, Album titles as well? I promise to put them into categories so you know what I am trying to go for!
She had me on this one too. I think I might have at one point heard of this band in passing but my knowledge of them is so limited they weren't on my radar.