Not a very good movie, but the best song from the soundtrack, Streets Of Fire:
Streets of Fire I preferred the Jim Steinman penned
Tonight Is What It Means to Be Young and
Nowhere Fast. One of which he recycled for his German musical,
Tanz der Vampire (Dance of the Vampire) (
Tonight Is What It Means to Be Young) and the other was later re-done by Meat Loaf (
Nowhere Fast).
They tried to do an English version of
Tanz Der Vampire on Broadway. They even got Michael Crawford to sing the lead part, Count von Krolock, but the Americanized version was camped up a bit. The darker elements removed and the focus placed more heavily on the comedic elements... The English version BOMBED in a big way and is cited as one of the worst broadway bombs ever (based on money lost).
The German version is darker and more ominous... It's absolutely brilliant, imho. Also the musical lends itself to the German language better than English. There's a certain power to the songs that was conspicuously absent in the English versions which felt limp and lifeless by comparison... having also heard the Frankfurt cast recording of
Das Phantom der Oper I'd argue that Alexander Goebels (sp?) blows away Michael Crawford's portrayal of the Phantom. There's so much more power and presence in his voice than in Crawford's.